Sunday, July 8, 2012

Yes you can see the Normandy beaches and Mt. St. Michel . . .

in the same day - but it is a long, long day.  Back from about 800 km of driving.

Worth it, yes.

Exhausted, yes.

Quick thoughts.  Cemetery, breathtaking, will need a longer forum.

The Normandy beaches would be worth a trip even without the historical context.  The history, though, fills every view with so much meaning.  Unbelievable that so much bloodshed took place on those beautiful beaches.

Mt. St. Michel - we didn't have time to explore, just enough time to look at it for a few minutes.  Still glad we went there.  The drive back to Paris made it all worth it.  We didn't take big highways, and were rewarded with the quaintest stretch of towns I have ever seen.  I am sure Bean will add more detail tomorrow.

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