Monday, July 9, 2012

Drive to Mont Saint Michel (video)

Here are some videos of our drive to Mont Saint Michel.  It was already late in the day when we left Omaha Beach, but we were determined to get here to see it because we have a poster of this in our apartment.  We bought the poster several years ago on a family vacation in St. Michaels the time, I didn't know about Mont Saint Michel...just liked the poster.

As you drive to Mont Saint Michel, it's neat how all of a sudden you see it from a distance....the image of it goes in and out of the rolling fields.  We don't capture it on the video, but you drive by fields with hundreds of sheep roaming around.  Although we didn't have time to go across to the island to visit Mont Saint Michel it was still worth it to see.  We think we will go back another time on a future trip to see it up close, but it's probably best to plan that as a separate trip and not combine it with the Normandy beaches.

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