Monday, July 9, 2012

Drive through charming Normandy towns (video)

Some more videos taken on our drive from Mont Saint Michel back to Paris.  We took back roads and went through some really adorable towns (Ducey was one of them that I wrote down as being especially nice).  It was like you were stepping back in time....almost surreal.  Although the buildings were very old, they were miticulously cared for and the landscape was beautifully adorned with flowers and perfectly trimmed shubbery.  We were so glad that we rented a car and got to see all of this.  Although it was a very long day with alot of driving for Joe, it was well worth it!

Driving Route:  Mont Saint Michel to Paris - D976 to D176 to N12
Once you get close to Paris, you'll follow signs to Paris and somehow figure out how to get back's very confusing and took us an hour to do it....we need to come up with a better plan next time.  Also, it's probably not a good idea to drive at night.  Sidenote:  In the summer, it doesn't get dark till 10:30 pm!!     

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