Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cafe Constant

Gina's favorite restaurant so far is La Fountain de Mars.  Mine is definitely Cafe Constant.  We ate there tonight.

We had seen people crowded outside the restaurant the last few nights, not realizing that the restaurant does not open until 7 (which we found out when we tried to get a table at 5:30).  While there was quite a line by 7, everyone in line was able to sit.  A wait for a table did not really start until about 7:45.

This restaurant was highly recommended in our Paris Perfect guidebook, and as we learned from people in the restaurant, by Rick Steves.  Christian Constant is the chef of Rue St. Dominique, with four restaurants within about 100 meters of each other.  Conveniently, I could probably throw a football from our apartment entrance to Cafe Constant.

We came back about 6:45, and were third in line for a table.  The restaurant is small, and the tables are definitely tight.  I could put my arm around the man seated to the right.  Luckily they were a nice couple, from Ohio.  He even went to college in Indiana, Valparaiso.  I think I impressed him by bringing up the Bryce Drew shot, although he may have thought I was a nut.

Before the food came I was slightly worried that the experience could be a bust.  We didn't see any locals coming in, but that is probably because of how early we got to the restaurant.   Once we got our appetizer, I knew this was a home run.  Bean got a shrimp tart.  It was really grilled prawns and spinach over a pastry, with a foamy type of sauce, her favorite course of the meal.

I had a gazpacho, the best gazpacho I have ever had.  Slightly spicy, and very smooth (most gazpachos I have had were chunky), with an avocado mousse, a flat crouton, and a piece of shrimp.  The mousse cut the acidity of the gazpacho perfectly.

For dinner Bean got a roast chicken with herb butter and new potatoes.  She enjoyed it, and would order again, but she did not enjoy it as much as her chicken from La Fountain de Mars.

I had a steak with mashed potatoes.  The most refined steak and potatoes meal I have ever had.  Perfectly cooked medium rare, and pre-sliced with shallots and herbs over it.  Although it did not look like a huge steak that I am used to in the states, it was perfectly filling.  The nice thing about the portions is that you can really enjoy all of the courses, rather than just filling up on a large entree.

For dessert Bean had the Apple tart with ice cream.  Again, she enjoyed it, but she definitely had dessert envy.  It was difficult not be envious of my chocolate quenelle with cream anglais (sounds a little pretentious, I know, but I can comfort myself in not understanding what it means).  It tasted as good as our mousse at La Fountain de Mars, but the presentation was much more refined.

Overall, a wonderful meal.  Very reasonably priced as well, and the portions were appropriate.  Constant could definitely get away with providing less for more, but he obviously takes pride in the food and service at his restaurants.  All of the courses were priced the same, appetizers for 11E, entrees for 16E, and desserts for 7E.  It may have been the best value for the quality of the meal that I have ever had.

Thanks Christian!

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