Friday, July 19, 2013

Au Revior

Today was our final day in France.  Tomorrow we leave the apartment at 10:15 am for 1:40 flight out of Orly Airport that arrives in Newark at 4:15.

Our top priority today was to walk and enjoy the sights of central Paris.  We began by walking down our favorite street, Rue St. Dominique, where our apartment, the Cabernet was last year.  It is also where the Christian Constant restaurants are, as well as La Fontaine de Mars.  We had lunch at Alfio (see previous post).

Then we wanted to get one last walk along the Seine to the Tulleries, the garden that is in front of the Louvre.  We stopped for ice cream at our favorite gelato stand, Amorino (which also had a location in Strasbourg, which we visited).   We noticed that they have one store in the US, near NYU.  How convenient!

You can see Amorino in the distance, on the far right.

We saw two separate groups of bike riders with interesting headgear.  They both wore yellow, one had fuzzy yellow wigs on, the had spiky yellow mohawks.

Here are some views of our walk.  I know we have published similar pictures last year, this time it was sunnier.

By the time we returned to our neighborhood it was after 6 pm.  We could not work up the energy to get ready to go out for the evening.  And Gina had 3 loads of laundry to get to (priorities!).  So we stopped at our local G20 market and picked up a few supplies to cook dinner with.  We even bought our only souvenir from this trip to remind us of this market (a great place to cool yourself off).

I picked up some mushrooms, chicken, shallots and basil.  We already had some mustard, butter and cream to make a little mustard sauce.

Although the kitchen is tiny, it is laid out efficiently and it enjoyable to cook here.

Here is the final product.  It actually turned out pretty well.

It was a nice relaxing way to end a wonderful trip!

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